New York Community Action Project is an organization dedicated to fighting police crimes and brutality in NYC. We fight for community control over the police in the form of a Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC). Join us in the struggle to take power away from the NYPD!

  1. Build community control of the police! Create a Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC).

  2. Stop the racist police killings of Black and Brown people. Convict and jail killer cops now!

  3. End all evictions by law enforcement. Housing is a human right!

  4. Stop all deportations. Legalization for all!

  5. Defund the police and the prison system. We demand resources for healthcare, jobs, and education, not for police and prisons.

  6. Fully support families and communities affected by the pandemic by canceling all back rent, canceling all medical bills, and dropping charges related to social distancing violations, which have mostly targeted Black and Latinx communities.

  7. Release all political prisoners now. Free them all!

  8. We condemn all violence against LGBTQIA+ people. We need accessible healthcare for all, not more police harassment.

  9. End all U.S. wars! That funding should go to our communities, not to military aggression.


Civilian Police Accountability Council

Calls to Action

  • Establish genuine community control of the police through the formation of a CPAC.

  • Free all political prisoners and those caged in detention centers, jails, and prisons.

  • Win justice for all victims of police crimes, including brutalization, illegal searches, torture, forced confessions, and murder.

  • Fight racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, immigrant bashing, religious discrimination, and all other forms of bigotry.

NYCAP is a proud member of the National Alliance Against Political and Racist Repression. We take guidance on our campaign for a CPAC from the national body and we hold the same basic principles.


Get Involved

Organize for CPAC

If you're interested in getting a CPAC in New York City, there are two ways to get involved.

  • If you're not part of on org, work with NYCAP to be on the frontlines of the campaign to win Community Control!

  • If you're part of an established organization, have your org join the New York Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. Email [email protected] for more information on how your org can get involved!



As a way to fundraise our organizing, we are selling different merch on Redbubble. Any items purchased will go directly to supporting our organizing.